Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Missed it again

This past week marks the 6-year anniversary of getting spasmodic dysphonia. I'm doing fairly well, all things considered. I don't really use my voice much except for talking to my husband, kids, and others on occasion, and even though I haven't been doing my exercises, it's far better than it was at this point six years ago.

I'm trying to improve my health this year. While I'm not exactly unhealthy, I'm trying to get more fit. I'm also taking the time to get proper treatment for my feet. I have disappearing arches, and my trip to Disney World in late February-early March was not kind to my feet :P. My old prescription insoles don't seem to fit anymore, so it's time for some new ones. Perhaps doing proper voice exercises will fit into my plan to get healthier.

I'm still afraid to go places alone without someone to communicate for me. When purchasing some chocolate Easter bunnies at a local chocolate maker, I had to have my mom order what I wanted because I just couldn't speak loud enough. It's still humbling, even after all this time, that I can't speak up in everyday situations.