Tuesday, April 15, 2008

An introduction

I've been living with abductor type spasmodic dysphonia since 2003. However, I never really kept a separate blog for my experience dealing with it. I've been messaged multiple times on my LiveJournal from others who have spasmodic dysphonia, so I thought it was time to give my condition its own spotlight.

In the days, weeks, months ahead--whenever I feel like it, anyway, I'll go through my old LiveJournal posts and post relevant information here. I'll also continue to update with current happenings related to the condition.

Having just passed my five year anniversary of my getting spasmodic dysphonia, I can tell those who have been newly diagnosed with it or who feel trapped with it this: You can live a productive life with spasmodic dysphonia. I believe that depression and confusion is part of it at first--believe me, I've been there--but there are resources to help you. Be sure to do your vocal exercises, and if you are struggling with finding a job that will accommodate you, see what your local Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (your state should have a similar department) can do.


Anonymous said...

I found you through "In My Dreams I Can Talk." I posted on the SD Bulletin Board looking for other SD Bloggers and she had just started her blog the day before. I started a blog last November but deleted it in January. I did not mention SD on it at all as I'd found a place where I could be "normal" and I didn't want it there. However, I really missed the blogging and realized that it had been of benefit to me. I started another one and decided that I was going to share about the SD and other things on it. I put some info about SD on the side bar and any of my posts that have anything to do with SD I label so they can be found easily by clicking on SD under the labels section of the sidebar.

I have AD/SD and was diagnosed in Dec 2005 but had been struggling the 3 years prior.

I'm off to go poke around in your other blog!

Arwyn Y. said...

Good to see another person! When I first got this in 2003, and found out what I had in 2005, I would have loved to have found other people to share experiences with just so I didn't feel so alone. At that time, people weren't really around to talk to. I found one other person in my state that I emailed a couple of times, but there weren't many people around at that time.

I started this blog up mostly to focus on SD because I really would have liked such a resource years ago. I've accepted what I have now and deal with it fairly well, but I definitely understand the importance of reaching out to others.

Anonymous said...

I've got ADSD, which I get treated with botox, very succesfully. Most of the time I can talk normally now though prior to botox all I could do was whisper.
Best of luck to you. I know SD isn't easy and I applaud your positive attitude towards adapting to life with it.