Thursday, May 1, 2008

Discovering SD

Years came and went, and I knew no more about what I had than when I first started having problems. All I could tell people was that I had a voice problem and I couldn't really talk much.

By January of 2006, I had just gotten back in touch with a friend of mine from high school. We were talking about our lives, and it came up that I was having difficulty speaking. She asked me what it was, and I told her that I quite honestly had no clue. That prompted me to look it up.

I searched the Internet by looking at symptoms. Most sites had a list of similar disorders and conditions listed together, but one stood out in particular--spasmodic dysphonia, specifically the abductor type. I read a bunch of different sites and looked at the symptoms. Everything seemed to click. I was pretty sure that it was what I had.

One of the sites, I can't remember which, had a list of things that people with SD have trouble saying. I was sitting on the couch and my husband was sitting at his computer when I was looking at this list. I read things out loud to him, and told him how I thought that this is what I had, and it had a list of words that I couldn't say. I told him it was ridiculous, though, because I can say pu...and then the word cut out. I was attempting to say "puppy."

I then contacted my former speech therapist and got an appointment scheduled. I told him what I thought I had, and he agreed that was a good thing to check for. After some tests and a ripped tongue later (he held my tongue out so far that the skin underneath it tore), I had my diagnosis of abductor type spasmodic dysphonia in March of 2006, nearly three years after the onset of symptoms.

Next up: Therapy and how I got a new job.


Trisha said...

A ripped tongue? Yuck! It sounds like you really did most of the diagnosing yourself. Good for you! I didn't even start looking up stuff online until I was diagnosed! Then again - I was diagnosed pretty quickly once my voice totally left me!

By the way - my voice is doing really well but when I just tried to say "puppy" it came out "pu-ppy" with a slight pause. My therapist says it is those darn unvoiced consonant sounds! If only we could delete them from the English language!

Trisha said...

Hey girl - how are you doing? Haven't heard anything on this blog lately so thought I would check!

Arwyn Y. said...

I've just been super busy. We've gotten slammed with work, and in between work and watching over the kids, I'm trying to pack, as we're supposed to close on June 4. Supposedly. We don't have our insurance yet because of some hangups with it, but hopefully that'll be fixed in the next week and a half!

Trisha said...

I completely understand the time crunch!

I hope the packing is over soon - I HATE doing that job! - and that the insurance gets sorted out!

Have a great week!