Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'm back!

I know I've been gone for a while, but July totally sucked. We had to finish moving out of the apartment, and I had three family members in the hospital that month. At least they were in at different times!

I've made a new video. This video showcases how bad my voice can get when reading out loud. I'll update the rest of the blog in time, but I thought I'd make the video today to do something a little different. It's one thing to write about SD, and another to hear how it affects someone.

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Yeah! You're back! AND making another video even! You have really gotten brave.

It is weird that your voice gets worse when you read outloud. Reading out loud is part of my speech therapy "regime." I did notice that you have problems with those darn "unvoiced" consonants (h, p, wh, etc.) which is a big problem for me too.

When my voice was at its worst I had more problems reading out loud if I tried to put any kind of felling into my voice. I am not sure why but if I read sort of mono-tone my voice was better.

Anyway - I am glad you are back and I hope August treats you better than July did!