Monday, January 12, 2009

Update time

Thanks to all who voted in the NSDA Share Your Story contest! Congratulations to the winners!

I've been pretty MIA from this blog for a while, I know. I tend to go absent during the holidays anyway, but my husband's grandfather died on December 26th, then recently we've all been sick with colds here. The cold has, of course, had an adverse effect on my voice. When I have been able to talk, I've had a very low, weak voice. The cold is mostly gone now, but I've still had a really scratchy throat.

I've recently taken a job doing in-home parties on the side. It shouldn't be very often, but I've been concerned about how my voice will hold up sometimes. However, as long as I don't really stress about it, I think I should do fine. A friend of mine has noticed when I go to the gym my voice gets worse. I assume this is due to the extra stress put on the throat by breathing harder and more frequently. She also noticed when I get emotionally stressed it my voice cuts out more. I knew about the latter, but I never really thought about the former.

Otherwise, I don't really have a lot to update with. I'm not going to speech therapy, I'm not getting Botox shots or anything...I'm just doing basically the same thing I have been for a while. Which is good, I suppose. Don't need the boat rocked too much :).

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Thanks for the update - I was wondering what was going on with you. I am so sorry to hear about the death in the family. That is so tough around the holidays.

Keep on thinking positively about your voice. I know it is tough but you are really making it work for you!